The Creative Cakery

the New Identity, a welcome new start

Website Home page

To start with I’d just like to say, Welcome to the new blog, a place where the “void of design” days are over and where the cakes are in. As you might know the new identity is “The Creative Cakery”, but don’t be fooled into thinking that I make, design, sell or eat cakes all day, because only some of that is true, the main reason for this new identity is to showcase my designs in a more positive light, plus I get to make more cakes and call it research :).

At the moment I am in the process of Designing and building my website as well as getting my stationary finished, the website will be going live soon, where I hope that there are a few bored/ interested people to help me in the first week to debug any of the problems that may occur. The website will hopefully be very easy to navigate as well as interest anyone who maybe looking at it; this will include people looking for cakes, which I do make, but are shown on my Flickr account.

The Creative Cakery

Adobe Creative Suite 5 *review*

It’s nearly time for my trial to run out, and to begin with I’d just like to say that I haven’t used the programs that much since installing them, this is due to me not wanting to down save every time I use it especially seeing as no one else is using it enough for me to get all the benefits from them at the moment but from my point of view id just like to sum up some of the programs.

-Programs I use-


InDesign: The main new feature that I was excited about was that of the multiple pages sizes with in the same file, this meant that you could have all the files for a document together, the compliments slip, business card, letterhead and the guidelines together etc. The other thing about this is not so good, this being that although you can have different page sizes, it could get confusing for other people to know this, especially if you take it to a printer as a pdf, say in some a4 and some a3, all landscape, there is a slight chance that they could scale to fit the first page and apply to all, causing you to get your document scaled down or up respectively. Now I’m not saying that will happen or that there isn’t a way around it that I haven’t seen in this trial yet, but it’s definitely something to think about.

Although it’s not that interesting, you can now control the images that are in placeholders a lot better, for a stat you can select the image or the placeholder with just the one click, and you can then scale proportionally using the same keys as illustrator, hold shift+alt+command while scaling an image will now scale from the central point, which is something that I have wanted for a while now. Finally there is the Gap tool that allows you to keep a gutter between 2 images the same while you change the size of one of the images, this allows for greater control over layout and position, that is a good feature, but not something that I use.


Illustrator: A few new features that are very interesting and could potentially be very useful overall; the variable width stroke tool, and the shape selector are the 2 tools of use. I have never tried to edit a strokes width in the same way that this tool can help but I feel that there will be a use for it later on, with regards to the shape selector it is a god send as this is something that I could have done with on numerous occasions, with overlapping shapes you can selected areas that you want to turn them into new shapes, handy when you have layered vector graphics and/ or a complex shape that you want to use as a placeholder. These improvements are fairly minor compared to the ones that were introduced in CS4, especially that of the multiple art boards, which over the last year have come in very handy on almost all of my projects, except when you have to version up all ideas for a client.

photoshopPhotoshop: Apart from being the only 64-bit application in the Design Premium set it does boast very cool 3D tools that will come in handy later on but not something that I feel is useful in the long run. Basically, this update was about speed and improvements on the existing features rather than introducing new tools, the overall speed of the program is very quick, even on my 4 and a half-year old iMac, running the base processor but with upgraded ram. All of the new 3D tools work really well, the ability to create native 3D objects from a flat graphic inside Photoshop is pretty amazing, especially if you need to quickly mock-up a box and you don’t know/ have 3D software.

dreamweaverDreamweaver: When I was begging to start the build my website I decided that I’d use Visual Studio as it was the program that a few of the companies that I have worked at used, but with this new installment of Dreamweaver, it’s better, the 3 features that make it so are: Live Code, Live View and Inspect all of which are the tools that I have had to use in Firefox as extensions. Inspect allows you to see the code, next to the visual website, but when you hover over an element you get to see all the properties for it, such as the margins, padding, size of area and layout, all of which are key to building a fully functioning website. In my trial version I have noticed that when you undo a few actions, it is prone to crashing, I don’t know why but it has happened a few times on me, luckily I had nothing to lose but it can be a bit of a pain after a few times.

flashFlash: The one program that I have yet to use that I normally do use, this is due to not having a project that requires Flash at the moment. From what I have seen it has been tweaking of original tools, making them work better, more streamlined, better integration and such like. But by far the best addition to this is the iPhone App export, this enables you to build an application in flash but export it as an iPhone native application, this includes the original swf files along with a xml file, this will be one of the best tools of this version due to the fact that a lot more people can get on board with iPhone and build apps a lot easier than learning about xcode.

-Programs I don’t use-

cs5 logos

These programs have only had a slight look in during the trial, that being that I don’t really need them but they have there uses, the furthest that I got with any one of the programs is that of SoundBooth, I imported some media, edited it, cropped it, added some stuff to it, and in the end I had a sound wave that was mainly just noise. After Effects I have used briefly during a tutorial about how good it was, but I have not looked into this version and probably could not see what the differences would be if I saw them. For those who are not familiar with the icons they are (from left to right, top to bottom):

After Effects: Animation | Bridge: File Management | Contribute: Website and Blog Management | Encore: Unsure | Fireworks: Photoshop and Illustrator Hybrid | Flash Builder: Build applications | Flash Catalyst: Illustration to animation | Onlocation: Video/ photography | Premiere: Video | Soundbooth: Multimedia Sound.

As a review it is very basic and possibly not that useful for those who have a had a play with CS5 so far, but for those thinking about the upgrade, then these are the best words I can think of to sum up an upgrade: If you currently have CS4 then the improvements aren’t that good overall, the 64-bit Photoshop is good but not worth a full upgrade. CS3 its a must have, all the best features of 4 with a few additions makes the 3-5 jump very wise.

The bits to watch out for are that CS5 will only work on an Intel Processor, with a fairly high spec, as I said before im running a 4 and a half-year old white iMac, 2.16 Processor | 4gb Ram | 50% free Hard drive and it works very smoothly, so anyone with a similar spec or higher is laughing, as always it does depend on what features you need and what you can afford that chooses the outcome.

To find out more, visit Adobe’s CS5 website.

The Creative Cakery

an Archer with elegant Hairline follicles

After completing a short type quiz on Pentagram’s website, I was told that my ideal font would be Archer Hairline, available form Hoefler and Frere-Jones. Like most people I hadn’t heard of this font before and was glad to have seen it because it is such an elegant font, and a font that I’d be delighted to use within some projects or to enhance my personal identity as an alternative font.

-The Typeface-


When you finish the quiz they present you with a type specimen so that you can see some of the characters along side that of the words you chose throughout the quiz, this allows you to see the font fully and ponder why that was the type chose for you.


As you can see the font is beautiful, the carefully considered strokes set with elegant droplets on the end of the curvaceous letterforms that bring the strong straight lines a quirky nicety that would normally be overlooked by less talented typographers.

-My Favourite characters-


Personally I feel that these characters are the nicest out of the full font, they combine the nice curve letter forms with droplet tips with the strong dignified straights with the numerals that are so clearly defined and the glyphs that capture all that is unique about the font throughout. Only when you see the letters being used can you truly understand why this font is so nice, among all the possible weights available you can create a poster with striking headlines, a leaflet with clearly organised information, a billboard that emphasises the nano-niceties or just body copy where the subtle weights lift imagery of the page, this typeface is amazing to see and even more amazing to be compared to it, like so many other people I’m honoured.

The Creative Cakery

New Phone = Portable Media Station

Basically I took a big risk and eventually completed an upgrade, which to some people I know this will be a shock. But I’d worked out that if I don’t upgrade now its possible I never will, and that could be a big hindrance to me as a designer.

I, like most people looked around at the current market and found out that the phone of choice is, would you believe it – the iPhone. And I know from Kirsty that the battery life is shocking even on the newest model, so I wanted to find a phone that had a great spec for blogging, surfing, emails and messaging, as well as a fairly decent battery.

The phone that immediately caught my eye was the tattoo by HTC, a small powerful phone that had the things I wanted at a reasonable price, previews didn’t agree with this and I looked further till I discovered a review about a new phone coming to the market, the desire, a power house of a phone, these was great, better than great, so fantastic in fact they I had to actually store and least have a look.

Long story short-er I jumped on the contract phone boat and upgraded from my Sony Ericsson W550i which has lasted 5 years and has been through the wars, it is now put to one side to peacefully live, the phone that in the end had a broken case lack of features they. Are now needed, but the best bit is they it is and was the best phone I have ever owned, the battery life is still up to 2 weeks on q full charge and it has done every thing I wanted it to.

-HTC Desire-

HTC Desire

I’m very pleased with the phone overall, it has the gadgets that I want, not the ones they most people have as I don’t really like Facebook or Twitter so I’ll never use the friends stream widget, but Twitter is becoming more bearable as time goes on.
The typing is easy and responsive, with a very clever predictive text function; the screen is a nice big bright responsive piece of kit, who I have not had any major problems with it, except it being maybe a bit too responsive when selecting items and it selecting it properly. The internet is ultra fast and easy to.use in the same way that the iPhone is, the pages load quickly and when possible in mobile format which not only speeds up load time but the way in which I can get to the information I want, this is not a new feature but it is new to me.

Like all new smart internet email phones on the market, the battery life is appalling but manageable, I have been using a power saving widget to quickly turn off features that im not using to save as much power as possible; where the only problem this poses is that in direct sunlight the screen with no backlighting is not visible, with automatic lighting its only slightly visible and when you have full brightness the screen can be seen but not fully.

At the same price and with the same features, the HTC Desire is worth a look when selecting a new phone, especially a smart phone where it is going to be costing 30 pounds a month for 2 years.


With the announcement of Froyo, which is Android 2.2 it has been rumoured that the Desire will be one of the first batch of smart phones to be updated on the dawn of the first official launch. Literally cannot wait, the speed boost, the flash integration and the java updates will be brilliant.

The Creative Cakery

A Moment Suspended in Time Private View

The private view had finally come, after weeks for planning and an amount of design work it has all come down to this big night; the private invites had been sent, the posters, flyers and emails had been sent out all to get the best attention possible for this night.

I have just come back from the  Castle Mall where the party is still going on; this being the actual private view and not the night out to celebrate party planned for this evening, or morning as it will become. On arrival; which happened to be 15minutes later than the official start, I was glad to see that not only was the place busy it was set up in a logical and thought out manner which enabled all persons to walk around the seemingly large open planned space with ease; something that smaller places should think about when organising art work for a show.

-The Show-

The Exhibition Space

Like always there are a few pieces of work that stand out and those that seemingly merge into their environments, a neither good or bad thing on either part; as both the previous statements can help to communicate the art work on show. Firstly you are greeted by the food, a strange concept by all accounts as this led to a lot of people loitering by the entrance eating food, even some that did not even enter the rest of the show, but this became a good place for it as it attracted the publics attention and appetite as they walked by.

To illustrate the layout I’ll give a run down from left to right then the central items.

Katie – Moo – Large Canvas painting with bright childlike colours ,on black in an illustrative manner.

Julianna– Faces – A series of paintings/ small reliefs depicting the sections of a human facial features, accompanied by a large hanging circle sectioned out in the same principles.

Ruth – Swirls – A set of paintings made up of vivid colours and textural items which would be seen around the home.

Kitty – Dead Things – Two part artefact consisting of a picnic blanket, basket and animal fur as well as a small decorated table with a candle and the complimentary hanging maggots from the table-cloth.

Debbie – Trees – Six panels depicting a seemingly simple woodland scene, but in amongst that there are a few hidden items.

Charli – Blood – On the floor you see a spread of hand-made blood cells; being made from wool, dough and cotton and accompanied by a letter from the blood donation people.

Josh – Head – Two portraits of a head, displayed in both Portrait and landscape orientations.

Ed – Large Canvas littered with stenciled lettering and ‘graffitti-like’ styling.

Sarah – Shirts – A series of studies into a shirt, an embossment, a casting, a dissected and photographed shirt hanging.

Amy – Portrait – A photo realistic monotone painting of a blind man’s face.

Kirsty – Cups – A huge selection of fabric cup and saucers arranged on a table that looks as if the worker has left the space as is.

Hollie-ann – Yellow food – A regimental set up of bright yellow bread like food that begins to mould, with a clear plastic box acting as captain.

Now that you know a basic layout of the space you can hopefully visualise the atmosphere that was around tonight; due to a few minor electrical problems a few of the lights at the front of the shop were not on, which did in the end help as this is where the nibbles were kept throughout the night, which not only allowed them to be cooler but kept the entire focus on the artwork. I cannot say any more about the show as a whole as this may stop more people from coming, spoilers an all; but I will say that it is a must see for anyone in and around the area for the next week or so, as there is a lot of talent show cased in this exhibition that will not only continue to grow but flourish as modern artists.



Once again we have been graced with an appearance by Charles, who also played at the Stew Gallery back in February; his selection of atmospheric melodies and tunes kept the exhibition space at a nice manageable level of ambiance throughout the 2ish hours I was there, ending on a song which was meant to be a classic sing-along but didn’t get off the ground with the remaining visitors. I’m hoping that he will continue to play at student private views as it would be a diabolical shame to replace such a talented performer.

-My favourite pieces-

In accordance with my normal view I will be mentioning the pieces of work of which I feel to be great for whatever reason.

Amy’s ‘Chris’ portrait is constructed to a high standard, much like her previous work (stew gallery). The painting itself is about 80x45cm rectangle on a chunky frame; the brush work is delicately constructed to enhance the striking image portrayed, a master piece of talent and style.

Debbie’s ‘Woodland Scene’ on six panels is not only beautifully painted but she has added in a few quirks for the viewer to notice, I have to admit that on the first few looks I hadn’t seen them, but once I had finally stood and looked at it they became apparent very quickly.

Hollieann’s ‘Bright Yellow Bread’, a choice that I do not normally make, it seems too modern and pretentious for me but it seemed to standout as being very good on the night; the grid like organisation coupled with the structure and colours made the work lift itself out of the bizarre bin and onto a platform of innovation, the bright yellow is very saturated compared to its surroundings, which helps its visibility and gives it extra credibility.

Julianna’s ‘Faces’ gained a lot of attention throughout the evening, and its partly to do with there being a massive gridded up ring hanging in the room and mainly because they are stunning paintings, more so the first 2 in the series as that have an elegant charm to them that is not only fantastic craftsman ship but details and styles that have been perfected.

The rest of the work has its charms but not something that I can get into, fabric cups, bright textural swirls and blood related work I have seen before (Stew Gallery), although these incarnations have been developed they don’t have the same level of style that I like to see.


The exhibition seems to be going well, with at least half the artists selling a piece of work or making contacts for later use, the private view went amazingly well despite the previous post’s comments although there is still an element of regret that further avenues of promotion had not been developed, and that a few of the designs had been changed for financial reason despite the style that was set up previously.

For more information on the exhibition visit: or even better visit the gallery space in Castle Mall Norwich, Second Floor, next to Rymans Stationers.

The Creative Cakery

iStat Menus Version 3

iStat Menus-General

Finally the new update to that handy piece of software is out and this time you, have to pay, so like most people I will stick to version 2 and not get the network working on my new Macbook; or this is what I though when I first heard about iStat now charging; seeing as the pop up has happened a few times since the release of V3 I have thought about upgrading to it, mainly because the network function of this software was the reason for downloading it in the first place only to find that it does not work on my new MacBook, and because I feel that I want to give something to the developers who took time to create this really quite handy and functional software.

If you have paid a lot of money for a new Mac then you already know that you want to look after it, keep it in full working order and if there should be a problem you would want it fixed asap, so with this application you can quickly see if there are any under lying problems that may cause your computer to not be working fully; this could be one of the dual cores not working in hot conditions, a fan over spinning, the disk drive overheating and so on, and I feel that I would rather know what is happening than wait for something major, which can stop my work flow.

-Paid apps, are you kidding?!-

Like most people I love free software, so the recent development to the iStat menu telling me that it is now paid didn’t go down well, as I have been waiting for an update to fix the network problem on my new MacBook. Alas the update came with a price, this time literally, the software is now 10USD for a single license and it gives a new cleaner, and easier to use interface which compliments a lot of their other work, seeing as they are developers for the iPhone and Mac, I told myself over and over agin that the update was not that important but I couldn’t hold out, so I went ahead and brought the upgrade.

The upgrade is as nice as I thought it would be plus extra, the interface is really easy to use and very nice to look at, not that is a reason to spend money on this app, along with helping out the developers I feel that this was money well spent, I now get tech support, updates till a new major update i assume, or they could be really nice and give updates forever now that I have paid for it, either way I now have the upgrade and I love it.

If you need the update to get the network working on your Mac then I would highly recommend this to you without hesitation, so go to the preferences menu, click ‘check for update’ > get it now > install > buy > be happy :D, Easy.

If you have never even tried the free version up till now, then your missing out (assuming that you like to know whats happening with your mac, which I do, seeing as it costs rather a lot to not notice that the heat sink might be overheating), so www [dot] it over to: Bjango

While you wait, check out these screenshots:

The Creative Cakery

CS5 64-Bit???

I have just installed the trial for this new piece of kit, and being curious I decided to have a look in activity monitor to see what was happening in the background only to find out that the only program out of the 5 main programs running in Intel 64-bit was Photoshop, all of the other programs were still in the 32-bit seen in the previous versions. Now either I have heard wrong and Photoshop is the ONLY 64-bit program or there is something not right at Adobe.

{update} or possibly because this is a trial they have only shown PS in 64-Bit to illustrate the difference between the software, before the final release; if so I do not remember them making this clear, and if I was right to believe that they ‘Could’ Be duping the consumer by selling the products as 64-bit, while only giving them PS in this format.

The Creative Cakery

To Buy or Not to Buy CS5


Firstly id like to say that I had been very skeptical about the newest release of the Creative Suite as it hasn’t been that long since I brought CS4, which for me was a brilliant upgrade from 3 and 3million times better than 2, all of which I have brought, I know, mental for a student right…

I have been following the updates of the software and I decided to follow the live event that introduces it; and within minutes I was very impressed by some of the new features that not only allow you to be quicker but allow you to do more, with ease. Now I haven’t actually tried it yet and thus can’t tell for sure that it will be a lot better but the trial will be downloaded as soon as and test run before the official launch.

-To Buy-

Photoshop with a very quick and easy to use 3D features that can be a great stepping stone if you don’t know 3D design, or cannot learn it.

Photoshop with intelligent background input, where you can take a normal image, crop out an element but have PS fill in the now empty space with actual background that wasnt present on the file.

Illustrator that allows you to align dashed strokes to corners.

Illustrator that allows you to control the weight of a specific point of a stroke.

InDesign that gives you multiple sized pages in the same file.

InDesign that gives you multiple media with in the program and with present animations that are straight from the code of Flash.

Flash Catalyst is a new program which I have trialed before, the ease of design with all the functionality of coders.

Native 64-bit architecture, which improves the overall performance of the software on most new-ish machines. (which run 64-bit and have sufficient hardware capabilities)

-Not to Buy-

A lot of the new features are really good and could come in handy overall; but with the price increase and the features being very minor for me are the pros better than these cons?…

The price increase is not by a little, but by a fairly big amount; CS2 cost me £180, CS3 cost me £235, CS4 cost me £225, CS5 is £336, so is it worth the increase of a cool one hundred?…possibly!

The features are, and will be very good, but I somewhat feel that they would be novelty rather than productive, I don’t use Photoshop that much to take advantage of the new features, I don’t even edit my photos in Photoshop, I use the impressive features of Aperture 3 for minor colour adjustments. Most of the new features with in the 2 main programs that I use are minor compared to the expense, different size pages in ID is a great, while the stroke options are fantastic, I have only needed this function on 2 occasions where I over come them by creating a new document with ease.

Also I do know Dreamweaver but since working in a Web Development agency I have begun to use the phenomenal power of the Visual Studio Collection from Microsoft, namely Visual Web Developer 2008 Express (as it was free.)


Adobe CS5 Popular Products

If the features work well, and the speed is actually improved on my computers (as all current tests are only averages by a select amount of, slightly, biased companies) I can see a real incentive to upgrade once again. But I will not make my final verdict till I have installed the trials and tested them out for myself.